After receiving my first draft back with all the teacher feedback and having conducted audience feedback through a questionnaire, as well as being peer assessed. I have created a plan of action to improve my magazine and complete a professional, authentic and credible final piece. Whilst I have also included my successes to ensure nothing was missed out.
Front Cover
The Successes- I feel the name of my magazine proved popular and the audience feedback against it was favourable with support for it fitting the genre. The actual layout of the cover was also looked at positively with people liking the minimalistic style, as well as the few colours and clear fonts that were used. People also supported the professional style and authentic feel the Front Cover provides the magazine.
The Improvements- First and foremost the size of the barcode needs to be dramatically reduced as it is currently too big and looks unprofessional, especially on a minimalistic cover. I will make the masthead bigger to make it clearer and stand out more prominently, as some people found it difficult to differentiate between itself and the "DRONE PIXIES TEXT". I will work to adjust the lines of text at the bottom of the magazine, as it currently looks quite chunky and out of place, so by adjusting the spacing's and amount of lines will improve this. Also I will retake my photo for the front cover, as the hair is a bit flyaway and doesn't look as professional as some magazines, so this needs to be addressed to make the hair sleeker, increasing the magazines authenticity.
Looking at the magazines above, if you look at Rolling Stone and Wonderland (Special K), both of the cover stars have really sleek and glossy hair. This will only have been achieved through work on the hair before the shot was taken, this looks professional as the hair is still stylish but not messy. However with the K MAG and Wonderland (Dakota Fanning) the hair is bit messy but more defined that it is on my magazine, therefore it works very well. Even on the Nicky Minaj Wonderland her hair is an extravagant pink and is very curly, but it is well kept up and looks held together well, as a result it looks professional and makes the magazine authentic. The final two magazines DAZED and SPEX feature cover stars where the hair is relatively flyaway. However it fits the feeling of the rest of the cover, as the makeup used on DAZED is bizzare, whilst on SPEX the text is spaced around unusually. Therefore the flyaway hair is appropriate on these covers. Almost if it was sleek and smooth it would look out of place and not suit the cover.Overall though looking at all these covers it is essential I get my Cover Stars hair to look sleek and smooth, as this best fits the current and Indie style I'm trying to create through this professional authenticity.
Additionally I will look at altering the colours, as some people said they were quite bland, although if I do alter any colours I will have to consider the whole of my magazine, to make sure continuity continues.
Contents Page:
The Successes- The layout of the Contents Page was popular with the majority of the audience, with people saying it looked professional and authentic. Whilst it included all of the necessary information (e.g. the twitter name) adding vital credibility to the publication. People also commented on the colours and how they contrasted each other well, achieving a nice balance on the page, making it easy to read. I was also pleased how the font choice continued to work and fit the genre suitably, carrying on the magazines continuity.
The Improvements- The image will need to be changed because as of now it looks quite similar to the image upon the Front Cover and is not very exciting. As well variety is needed in the images, so it would need to have different artists, whilst also using varied shot types, as currently all the shots are very similar. I will look at making more impact to the text under the main headings in the Contents not as much because of how they look but more about what they say, to make it more punchy. Furthermore I will experiment with altering the layout, such as moving the image and sections of text, to see how they may fit better elsewhere. I will even look at a different choice of font, but as with changing the colours on the Front Cover, I will have to consider the whole publication as I don't want continuity to be lost. Whilst the web address needs to be adjusted in order to make my magazine more authentic and credible.
Double Page Spread:
The Successes- I managed to continue the continuity of my publication throughout the Double Page Spread which I felt was important in a minimalistic magazine, to create the professional look. The large quote was also popular in the audience questionnaire and people even wanted more in some cases, whilst I was also pleased with the large letter to start the article, which looked authentic and professional. The same characteristics were achieved through the use of page numbers on the Double Page Spread. I personally liked the style of the article and the balance, but in hindsight changes need to be made.
The Improvements- The layout of the article needs to be improved, it needs to be two or three columns of equal length and width, to make it look far more professional and authentic. Whilst the content and balance of the article needs to be adjusted to improve it significantly It needs to be more focused around the music, as opposed to the hardship in her life, making it less heavy to read. So more questions need to be included in the interview in order to focus upon the music and increase authenticity to that of an actual music magazine. In addition the sub-heading of the article needs to be changed to have more impact, both through the content and the aesthetics of it. The image needs to be changed as it is of low quality and again looks like the front cover, so needs to be altered to create variety and a current, credible magazine. Meanwhile the layout needs to be improved on the Double Page Spread. As of now the image crosses the fold of the page, as does the subheading, which currently looks quite scruffy and rough. This must be changed to enhance authenticity and make my publication credible, as this just makes it look unprofessional. Finally to increase credibility and authenticity further I could add the web address and Twitter name to the bottom of the page, as is a feature in a lot of actual publications, to make my magazine professional.