Magazine Feedback Questionnaire
1. Do you like the name of the magazine? Is it long enough?
100% of the audience feedback agreed that the magazines name was of a suitable length and they liked it. People commented it was, "Snappy", "Catchy" and "Punchy".
2. What are your thoughts on the Front Cover layout? Does it look professional?
50% of people thought that the front cover looked professional, with 30% of people commenting on the how they liked the font.
3. Do you like the main image? If not why not?
80% of those questioned said they liked the image. Those who didn't would have preferred a larger image or one that filled the whole front cover.
4. What are your thoughts on the fonts and colours used? Would you change them?
40% of people commented how the front cover font was quite boring and needed more colour. Whilst others said how the colours complemented each other, making it easy and clear to read.
5. What are your thoughts on the Contents layout? Does it look professional? Is it easy to read?
80% of those surveyed said they liked the layout, it was professional and easy to read. Other people said that it was maybe a bit empty and would have re-positioned the image towards the bottom of the page.
6. Do you like the main Contents image? If not why not?
90% said they liked the image used on the contents page. 10% said that it was quite similar to the image upon the front cover, so needed changing.
7. Is there any information missing from the Contents Page?
100% of people questioned said that the contents page didn't require any further information.
8. How would you improve the Contents Page if you were to buy the magazine?
50% of people commented that they wouldn't change the contents page. The other 50% noted how it needed more colour, a change of image/more images and required more text regarding the content.
9. Do you like the main image on the Double Page Spread? If not why not?
80% said they were in favour of the image. The 20% who didn't wanted more expression in the image, it and the text to swap positions and for it to be shot from further out.
10. What are your thoughts on the Double Page Spread layout? Does it look professional? Is it easy to read?
100% of people surveyed said that they liked the layout, becuase it looked professional and was easy to understand/navigate. Whilst people liked the larger quotes, though more colour was suggested by 10% of people.
11. Do you like the style of the article? Is it good to read?
80% said they liked the style of the article, with the remaining 20% wanting more colour and a longer article.
12. How would you improve the Double Page Spread if you were to buy the magazine?
60% of people questioned were not sure how they would improve the double page spread's layout. With the remaining 40% commenting how a better quality image was needed, more colour is needed in the text and the image and put more emphasis on the title "DRONE PIXIES".
Overall it seems the Front Cover was the favourite part of the magazine for the audience, with the name, fonts and colours all proving popular choices, with only small percentages disagreeing with this. However the image was questioned by some and is something I will look to change, whilst also tweaking the layout to avoid large empty spaces and technical inaccuracies. In order to create a thoroughly professional final piece.
The Contents page in general received positive critique, with people enjoying the professional layout and how all the information required was present. Also the colours were popular with some and they enjoyed the contrast created but others thought they looked quite simple, so a change could be looked at. Whilst additionally people commented how they liked the image, but it was similar to the image on the front cover, so a change could be in order.
Finally the Double Page Spread was the least popular section. People wanted a more diverse image, with a more interesting layout, including more colour. All things I will seek to improve. As well as improving the quality of the article to make it more professional and more interesting to read for the audience. This section is where I feel more improvements need to be made and will change most drastically.
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