It’s taken a while but we’ve got Drone Pixies. Her first ever
exclusive interview is with Deck and it’s been worth the wait...
“Alright, cold out today isn’t it?” The down to earth
conversation is noteable, considering her rise to fame in the last 12 months. From playing the student bar in her hometown of Leicester where she remarks “I remember once when a shoe full of p*** hit me. Classy gig.” To now preparing for the coming year, the next chapter in a story the X-Factor would die for.
Settling down at Deck HQ we were expecting a routine
interview with a new artist. But the following 45 minutes gave us an insight we weren’t expecting.
Born to single mum Sally, her upbringing was
surprisingly normal regarding the circumstances, until the age of 17. “My mum was the best, she still is. I wouldn’t be anything I were without her, especially the driving me to gigs every weekend, without that I would be nowhere”, remarks Emily, but with a tinge of sadness crossing her face. We pause unsure what to do or say, she continues. “I didn’t meet my Dad until I was 17, I wish I never had.”
“It was a Friday afternoon; I’d just arrived home from college,
there was smashed glass on the driveway. I knew something was up, I just didn’t know what. It turned out my Dad was round, it was the first time Mum had seen him in nearly 18 years. For me it was the first time ever.
“I didn’t meet my Dad until I was 17, I wish I never had.”
“From that day on for the next 2 years he tormented our lives, he smashed our house windows and slashed my car tyres. I never know why he came back. The day the blue flashing lights left my street was a turning point. I knew my life was going to be different.”
Shocked by what we’d heard, we apologise not
knowing what to say. However the smile on Emily’s face tells us a thousand words. It’s time to move on, just as she has.
So last year what a year, better than
Yeah thanks, it was quite something I started it living at home and ended it sorting out a tour bus for 2012 with my manager Clive. Whilst sandwiched in
between I supported The Killers. Busy.
Not bad then we joke, so supporting The Killers, not a bad gig to land?
Haha, yeah it was something I couldn’t of dreamed have at the beginning of the year, but I guess in music anything can hapen if you work at it.
.. and the new album any news on that?
It’s ticking along nicely thanks [manners highlighting her humble nature] Still a few tweaks here and there but the first single is coming out next week. I’m
Oooh, whats’s the new single entitled?
I don’t know if I should say, oh go on then. It’s called Dustland, something I hope everyone will enjoy. It was fun recording it.
Just a couple more, Any news on the
upcoming tour? We’ve heard it’s hitting us early March?
Spot on, Clive has been brilliant setting
it all up, there are about 17 dates I think
so far. It all kicks off in Edinburgh, before wrapping up in Liverpool. It’s all go!
Finally, Festivals? The Summer?
Glastonbury is on, can’t quite
believe it myself, again
massive thanks to Clive.
There has been talks about
Reading and Leeds, but
nothing is confirmed as of yet.
Interview and Photography
courtesy of
Tom Smith.
Really good interview Tom I like the style you havve chosen for your article, something to consider would be that you said, its called Dustlands and said it was fun recording it. The name sounds really good but like a sort of sad song name so possibly you could think of a happier name or just not say it was fun! Nice work Tom