A lot of those in the Indie Genre are comprised by two unconnected words and phrases being combined together, such as Friendly Fires, Two Door Cinema Club and Bombay Bicycle Club. Their somewhat random nature creates a simple feel, without one that is trying to hard to be something it's not.

(Friendly Fires, Two Door Cinema Club and Bombay Bicycle Club.)
Also a lot of Indie bands names are also created with two words, the first being 'The' and then the second having an element of punch and power to it. Such as The Strokes, The Libertines and The Wombats. The punchy names create a sense of dominance and a bad attitude these bands try to create.
(The Strokes, The Libertines, The Wombats.)
In addition Folk bands often create their names by using animals, such as Noah and the Whale, Fleet Foxes and Dog is dead. The use of the animals names matches the organic feel often created by Folk music because it is not synthesised or auto-tuned and is created from scratch.
(Noah and the Whale, Fleet Foxes and Dog is Dead.)
As well Folk artists often just use their name such as Ellie Goulding, Benjamin Francis Leftwich and Damien Rice. The use of their actual name gives the artist a fresh identity, as well as an honest one with the name showing that they are not trying to be something they are not.
(Ellie Goulding, Benjamin Francis Leftwich and Damien Rice.)
Therefore when creating my artists name I looked at all the possible options and decided to go with the idea of putting 2 unconnected words together. Such as Friendly Fires, which like my artists name is 'Drone Pixies'. They are both oxymoron's with the two words having no relevance and being quite different. So this was my inspiration for the name of my artist for my Music Magazine.
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